RBD will be closed Monday, July 1 through Friday, July 5.

Technical Support

For RBD products and legacy PHI XPS and Auger systems and components.

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Technical Support Options

If the Free Technical Help information below does not help to solve your problem, you may wish to login to our technical support portal (free registration is required).
There's no charge to submit a ticket and simple questions for RBD and even PHI products may be answered at no cost; more complex problems may require paid support. For electronics repair, our engineers will be able to help you or your qualified electronics technician isolate the problem to the unit or board level and often even to the component level.

Our technical support depends on the experience level of your technician.  Since there is high voltage present on many of the boards inside of the electronic units, we can only help troubleshoot to the level that your technician is trained to work with safely.

If we are unable to isolate and resolve the problem with technical support, then your electronics or optics unit may need to be sent to RBD for repair. Or depending on the complexity of the problem, an on-site field visit may be required. We offer loaner units to get your system back up while your unit is being repaired at our facility.

RBD Instruments provides Technical Support Credits billable in one minute increments. Contact us for current prices.

Please read this FAQ for more important information on Technical Support Credits


Free Technical Help

The RBD TechSpot blog is a valuable resource for surface analysis systems repair and operation. Once there click on the Index link to see all of the posts in alphabetical order.

Legacy Tech Tips: Articles with detailed preventive maintenance and repair instructions for older PHI and Perkin-Elmer spectroscopy systems.


RBD Product Support Links


When returning an item to RBD that has been installed in a vacuum chamber please fill out this Non-Contamination Form and return it with the item.