Actuel V1.9 for the 9103 USB Picoammeter – New Features

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The latest version of Actuel (Version 1.9) for the 9103 USB Picoammeter is now available. This version includes some exciting new features.

Avoid USB Conflicts with other Devices by Selecting a Specific COM Port

You can now select the COM port of the 9103 an instance of Actuel is communicating with. Previously, Actuel would automatically connect to the next available port, which could sometimes cause conflicts with other devices using the same USB chipset from FTDI.

To use this feature, connect and turn on your 9103, and find the COM port assigned in Windows Device Manager:

Next, click the Settings button from main Actuel window, click the “Select COM Port” checkbox, and choose the appropriate port.

Note that this works for multiple instances of Actuel, whereby you can select the 9103 COM port to connect to for each instance. However, you cannot mix automatic and manual selection, and you’ll need to select the appropriate ports any time you run Actuel (since it only recalls the last used port).

Customize Actuel’s Graph Colors

You can now customize the Actuel graph by choosing colors for the axes, data line, grid, and text. You can also turn the grid display on/off.

To change the graph options, click the “Show Options” button in the Data window, and the “More Options” button near the lower-right. Your settings are saved between instances of Actuel, and you can easily reset the colors to their default.

More Improvements…

The latest version has some enhancements to the layout of the Data Window. In addition, it is now possible to Copy or Save data while sampling.

More Information on the 9103 USB Picoammeter can be found here.

Ion pump elements – Flip the plates part II

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Our previous blog post explained how to flip the ion pump Tantalum and Titanium plates in order to provide fresh surface area for the sputtering process that occurs as part of the ionization / pumping process.

But what happens if you flip the plates and then years later the ion pumps are worn out again? That is, what if both sides of the plates have been sputtered?

This blog post will explain how you can modify the plates to expose a fresh surface area which functionally is the same thing as replacing the plates.

Like most things, ion pump elements have gone up in price post COVID.  A set of 8 elements (there are 8 elements in a 220 l/s ion pump) can cost $5,000 or more.    Rather than replacing the elements, you can replace just the ceramics for a lot less and flip the plates.   If the plates have already been flipped once, then both sides of the plates will have sputtered craters. 

By elongating the mounting holes in the plates by 1.5 mm the sputter area on the plates would also shift by 1.5 mm onto a fresh area that has not been sputtered, at least not sputtered very much.

The photos below show the sputtered craters and the location of where the new sputtering will occur.

Sputtered crater
Sputtered crater
Offset by 1.5mm
Offset by 1.5mm
elongated hole
Elongated hole
new sputter area
new sputter area

In this case I was lucky enough to be at a university with a machine shop and the machinist was able to punch the holes without using any oil.  If you do not have a machine shop, you could use a Dremel cutting bit to elongate the holes.

dremel cutting bit

When you reassemble the elements, you want to make sure that you offset both the Tantalum and the Titanium plates in the same direction.  You will be able to tell that the Tantalum plate is offset by the 1.5mm gap with respect to the stainless-steel backing plate.  Then make sure that the Titanium plate lines up with the location of the Tantalum plate.  You can confirm that the Titanium plate is offset correctly by looking at the distance on the mounting tabs on the back of the Titanium plate.

Titanium plate offset
Titanium plate offset

After performing this procedure on the plates shown in this blog post the ion pump elements performed as well as new elements.  The increase in pumping capacity was noticeable.

If you suspect that your ion pumps may need to be inspected (slow pumping, arcing, or shorted) I recommend that you buy the ion pump ceramics before you vent so that you have them on hand if needed.  RBD Instruments provides ion pump ceramics.  Contact us for more information.

9103 USB Picoammeter Blog list

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Over the years we have added quite a few blog posts on our 9103 USB Picoammeter. This blog post lists all the other 9103 blog posts by groups to make it easier for you to find information on the 9103. For more information about the RBD Instruments 9103 USB picoammeter please contact us here.

General Information

A Guide to 9103 Picoammeter Compatibility

9103 USB Picoammeter Winter 2020 News

Bias options

9103 Floating Ground Reference

9103 Picoammeter bias modes

5 kV floating Picoammeter Video

Actuel Software

9103 USB Picoammeter Filter Settings – Part 1

New Feature: Use the 9103 Picoammeter to Automatically Read microCMA Target Current

9103 Actuel Beta: Data Cursor and Auto-save

9103 Picoammeter Actuel Update: Micro Window Display

Synchronizing and Identifying Multiple 9103 Picoammeters

High-speed Support Improved in Latest Actuel Release (1.7) for the 9103 Picoammeter

Actuel 1.8 Adds New Auto-Save and Graphing Features to the 9103 Picoammeter


Programming the 9103 Picoammeter

Programming the 9103 With Python – Part 1: Standard Speed

Programming the 9103 With Python – Part 2: Switching Between Standard and High-Speed Modes

Programming the 9103 With Python – Part 3: High Speed


How to test the bias batteries in a 9103 picoammeter

Calibrating the 9103 USB Picoammeter

Also, here are some useful links from the 9103 section of our website:

Sample Code (RBD)


Sample Code (Third-party)

NOTE: These scripts/applications are provided third-party publishers and are not directly supported by RBD Instruments.

LabVIEW Instrument Scripts (Unzip and copy the folder to “instr.lib” in your LabVIEW folder. Instructions are included in the library. Written with LabView 7.1.)
Matlab Scripts (GitHub)
Python Scripts (GitHub – UC Dublin)

Replacement Parts

Replacement parts are available for the 9103:

  • Replacement fuse for 9103 Picoammeter ( Very fast acting, 0.05A .25x.35″, Plug-In)y
    Fuse Change Procedure

For more information on our 9103 USB Picoammeter contact us here.