Neutralizer filament replacement procedure

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This post will detail the neutralizer filament replacement procedure for the Physical Electronics (PHI) 04-085 and 04-090 neutralizers that are commonly found on many PHI X-ray photoelectron spectrometers and Static SIMS systems.

Before you can replace the filament you need a new filament. We also recommend having the deflection ceramic on hand, as well, since the deflection ceramic is usually cracked when you remove it as part of the neutralizer filament replacement procedure. The neutralizer ceramic and neutralizer filament are readily available from RBD Instruments dot com.

The part number for the filament (exchange) is 04090RF and the part number for the ceramic is 615838PR


This procedure assumes that the system has been vented and the neutralizer is on a clean work area. Use clean tools and wear gloves while working on the neutralizer to prevent any oil contamination on the neutralizer parts. Tip: Use UHV aluminum foil to keep the work area clean, and fold up the ends of the aluminum foil to make a tray that will trap any small parts that you may drop during the procedure.  The pictures at the bottom of the post are helpful.

  1. Remove the 4 screws that hold down the exit aperture.
  2. Remove the exit aperture.
  3. Remove the 4 shoulder washer ceramics from the deflection plates.
  4. Lift up the 4 deflection plates and position the wires so that you can remember where they go back to later.
  5. Remove the deflection ceramic. If it is not in broken into pieces you can reuse it.
  6. Lift up the anode aperture and position the wire to the side. There is a groove in the filament housing so it can only go back one way.
  7. Remove the three screws at the bottom of the filament housing. Tip: Scribe the side of the filament housing to help you remember the orientation later.
  8. Remove the filament housing. Note that the anode ceramic will still be inside the filament housing.
  9. Remove the wehnelt cap.
  10. Hold the filament in place and slide the filament connectors down and off of the filament posts.
  11. Remove the filament.
  12. Install the new filament. While holding the filament in place slide the filament connectors on.
  13. Install the wehnelt cap (carefully) over the filament.
  14. Install the filament housing over the wehnelt cap and install then tighten the three screws that hold the filament housing to the neutralizer support base.   Make sure that the tip of the filament is centered in the wehnelt cap.
  15. Install the wehnelt ceramic over the wehnelt cap and center the wehnelt cap within the ceramic. If necessary, loosen the three filament housing screws to adjust the housing position a little bit, and then re-tighten them.
  16. Install the anode aperture ceramic.
  17. Install the deflection ceramic.
  18. Move the deflection plates into position and install the shoulder washer ceramics into the deflection plates.
  19. Place the exit aperture on top and install the screws to hold the exit aperture on top of the shoulder washer ceramics. This can be a little tricky.
  20. With the top screws tightened only slightly, adjust the space between all four deflection plates so that they are even, and tighten the four screws.

Installation is complete! When you burn in the new filament, start out with a low emission value and increase it until the filament is just starting to glow orange. Let the neutralizer outgas in that mode for an hour or so, then slowly bring the filament up to the normal emission setting as needed.

RBD 147 Interface Unit Program and Test Procedure

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The RBD Instruments 147 PC interface is used to control most older Physical Electronics surface analysis instruments such as X-ray electron spectrometers and Auger electron spectrometers. The 147 connects to a Windows PC via a PCI or PCIe interface card. Most newer PCs provide only one PCI slot and in the near future the only slots available will be PCIe. If you currently have a PCI interface card and switch your 147 to a newer PC you may need a PCIe interface card to replace your current PCI card.  RBD Instruments will be providing a  trade in discount for your existing PCI card if you need to upgrade to the PCIe version. The 147 and RBD Instruments software operate under Windows XP, 7 and 8.  If you will be changing your operating system to Windows 7 or 8 and will also be getting a new PC please contact RBD Instruments if you are uncertain about the compatibility of your RBD PCI interface card.

The test procedure for the 147 interface card is detailed below.  It is not for the faint of heart, but this information is essential if you want to test all 147 functions.  We rarely have any problems with 147 units in the field. If you think that your 147 interface unit may not be functioning properly and need more information than the test procedure below, please contact us at RBD Instruments.

  RBD 147 Program and Test Procedure

Note: If you are checking a board with no chassis be sure to place it on a thick rubber mat over the power supply in another chassis. Be sure that the bottom of the board is not grounded at any point(s). Then connect the power supply to the board and complete the following checks.

Tools required

Function Generator


Voltmeter with test leads

Test Cables (located in box labeled 147 Test Cables)

DR11 Test Cable – 40 pin to 40 pin ribbon cable (this is not a standard ribbon cable)

V/F Test Cable – 25 pin female D-sub to 4 – 2 pin female Molex connectors

V/F Test Cable – 2 pin Male Molex to BNC

Pulse Count Test Cable – 6 pin micro fit to BNC

11-065 Remote – 15 pin female D-sub to BNC

DAC Sweep Cable – 9 pin female D-sub to BNC

(2) 15 pin D-sub connector TTL tester

25 pin D-sub I/O port tester

BNC to banana Jack adapter

ISP download cable

PCI Cable – 64 pin ribbon cable

Programming PCI Cards

Note: The untested PCI card will be tested with the 147. If any of the 147 tests fail it will be necessary to determine if the failure is caused by the PCI card or the 147. To do this change out the 147 being tested with a known working 147 and repeat the test that failed. If the test fails again there is probably a problem with the PCI card. If the test succeeds mark the 147 as failed and start testing again with a new 147 using the same PCI card.

1. Turn off computer and remove currently used PCI card.

2. Remove pin 5 from J2 on the new PCI card.

3. Add the small metal piece so that the card can be mounted in a PCI slot. Use 4-40 X ¼” screws and nuts.

4. Attach the ISP cable to the 8 pin connector.

5. Place PCI card in the computer

6. Turn on the computer

7. Run the ISP Daisy Chain Download (ispVM v10 or higher) program and load the PCI card Rev C file.

8. Run Turbo download.

9. Close ISP Daisy Chain Download program and shutdown the computer.

Power Supply Check

1. VERY IMPORTANT, inspect board closely for solder bridges, shorts, missing components, make sure that the screws holding down the 147 are tight, and power connector is attached.

2. Make sure that U70 crystal is in the proper orientation before power is applied. Failure to do so will result in PERMANENT DAMAGE to the 147. The dot on the crystal should be on the front-right side when the board is in the chassis.

3. Attach power cord. Turn 147 on and verify front panel green LED turns on.

4. Using the multimeter, with the test leads, check all voltages at PWR2. They are marked on the board.

Load 147 ISP

1. Turn off 147 and computer.

2. On 147-J10 cut off pin 5. They are numbered on the board from back to front.

3. Make sure that the computer has an RBD PCI card in it.

4. Connect the PCI cable (64 pin ribbon cable) to the PCI card located in the computer.

5. Connect the other end of the PCI cable to 147-J11.

6. Connect ISP download cable to the LPT1 (printer) port on the PC.

7. Connect small end of ISP download cable to 147-J10.

8. Turn on computer.

9. Turn on 147 and make sure that green LED turns on.

10. Run the ISP Daisy Chain Download (ispVM v10 or higher) program.

11. Open the 147 Rev. G in the FILE menu.

12. Click Run Turbo Download button.

13. Verify that under status you see three PASS indicators on the right side and that there are no errors in the “Messages” window.

14. Close ISP Daisy Chain Download program.

15. Turn off 147.

16. Disconnect 147-J10, leave PCI cable (147-J11) attached.

DR11 Ports check

1. Connect the DR11 test cable from DR11A to DR11D. On one connector the red line on the cable will be towards the back of the 147 and on the other connector the red line will be towards the front.

2. Turn on the 147 and open AugerScan.

3. In the SYSTEM menu select DIAGNOSTICS.

4. In the DIAGNOSTICS window find the DR11 box. Select A and click on test. Passed will show next to test if there are no faults with the DR11 port.

5. Shut off the 147.

6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for DR11B and DR11C.

VF1 Check

1. There are two parts to the V/F test cable. The first part is a 25 pin D-sub connector with 4 wires hanging out labeled V/F 1 through 4, each of the wires has a 2 pin female molex connector attached. The second part is a 2 pin male molex to BNC used to connect the function generator to the V/F input being tested.

2. Connect the first cable to the 147-P2. Connect the second cable to the TTL output of the function generator and the other end to V/F 1 wire of the first cable.

3. Turn on the 147.

4. Open AugerScan and put it in Auger Mode.

5. In the SYSTEM menu choose HARDWARE PROPERTIES. On the AES panel set the input to VF1.

6. In the SYSTEM menu choose MULTIPLIER PROPERTIES. Select the AES panel and turn off Auto EMS.

7. Click the NEW SURVEY button and click ACQUIRE in the dialog box.

8. Set the function generator decade switch to 100 (100Hz) and change the frequency knob from minimum to maximum and back. Do this for each decade from 100Hz up to 1 MHz. As you increase and decrease the input frequency the data in the acquisition window should also increase and decrease. As the frequency is increased look for any sudden drops in the data, this will indicate a failure with the 147

9. If the survey is not complete click the STOP NOW button to stop the acquisition.

10. To verify the 147 is reading the correct frequency, set the function generator to 100 KHz and click the START button. The computer should show a max count of around 100,000.

11. Stop the acquisition and turn off the 147.

12. In the SYSTEM menu choose HARDWARE PROPERTIES. On the AES panel set the input to VF2.

13. Where the test cable from the function generator connects to the V/F1 wire of the other cable disconnect it and attach it to the V/F 2 wire.

14. Turn on the 147.

15. Start a new survey. With the function generator decade switch set to 1M adjust the frequency knob from minimum to maximum. The computer should show the counts go and then back down. This step is used to verify that the input works.

16. Repeat steps 11 through 14 for V/F 3 and V/F 4.

17. Turn off the function generator and the 147. Disconnect 147-P2.

Function Generator ECL Logic Calibration

1. Connect a BNC T to Output on the function generator. Connect one output of the BNC T to an oscilloscope using a BNC Cable. Connect the other output of the BNC T to J2 on the 147 using the Pulse Count Test Cable (BNC to 6 pin microfit).

2. On the Function generator pull the offset knob out and adjust it to midrange. Turn the amplitude knob fully counter clockwise.

3. Turn on the 147, oscilloscope, and function generator.

4. Adjust the amplitude and offset on the function generator to obtain a -1.5V to -0.75V square wave.

5. Turn off the 147, oscilloscope and function generator and remove the cables from the function generator.

Pulse Count Inputs Check

1. Connect the Pulse Count test cable from the function generator output to J2 on the 147.

2. In the SYSTEM menu choose HARDWARE PROPERTIES. On the AES panel set the input to PC1.

3. In the SYSTEM menu choose MULTIPLIER PROPERTIES. Select the AES panel and turn off Auto EMS.

4. Turn on 147.

5. Click the NEW SURVEY button and click ACQUIRE in the dialog box.

6. Set the function generator decade switch to 100 and change the frequency knob from minimum to maximum and back. Do this for each decade from 100Hz up to 1 MHz. As you increase and decrease the input frequency the data in the acquisition window should also increase and decrease. As the frequency is increased look for any sudden drops in the data, this will indicate a failure with the 147.

7. If the survey is not complete click the STOP NOW button to stop the acquisition.

8. To verify the 147 is reading the correct frequency, set the function generator to 100 KHz and click the START button. The computer should show a max count of around 100,000.

9. Stop the acquisition and turn off the 147.

10. Move the test cable from J2 to J3. Turn on the 147.

11. In the SYSTEM menu choose HARDWARE PROPERTIES. On the AES panel set the input to PC2.

12. Start a new survey. With the function generator decade switch set to 1M adjust the frequency knob from minimum to maximum. The computer should show the counts go and then back down. This step is used to verify that the input works.

13. Repeat steps 8 through 11 for J4 and J5, PC3 and PC4 respectively.

14. Turn off the function generator and 147. Disconnect the test cable from the 147.

TTL Ports Check

1. Connect one 15 pin D-sub TTL tester to P3 and another one to P4.

2. Turn on the 147 and open Auger Scan.

3. In the SYSTEM menu select DIAGNOSTICS.

4. In the DIAGNOSTICS window find the TTL I/O box and click on the test button.

5. Passed will show in the TTL I/O box if there are not faults with the TTL ports.

6. Shut off the 147 and remove the test connectors.

Alternate TTL Port Check

Note: This test only tests one TTL line on P3. The TTL line is used as a remote for the 11-065 Ion Gun sputter control. Use this test if using and old version of Auger Scan that does not have the TTL I/O port test or if a there is a failure with the TTL I/O test. At this time this is the only TTL line needed to run a system.

1. Connect 11-065 Remote cable to 147-P3 to a multimeter via a BNC to banana jack adapter.

2. Turn on 147.

3. Open AugerScan.

4. Verify that the multimeter reads 4V. This is the expected setting when the ion gun is off.

5. In AugerScan open SYSTEM menu and choose SPUTTER.

6. Type 0.1 minutes in the dialog box and press start to turn on the ion gun control.

7. Verify that the multimeter reads less than 150mV for 6 seconds and then returns to 4 V.

8. Close AugerScan, turn off 147, and remove the cable from 147-P3.

DAC Sweep Check

1. Connect the DAC Sweep test cable from the 147-J6 to a multimeter via a BNC adapter.

2. Turn on 147 and open AugerScan. Put it in Auger mode.

3. In the SYSTEM menu select HARDWARE PROPERTIES. Select the AES panel and set ANALYZER CONTROL to the radio button for 11-500A OR 20-805 (top one).

4. Click the NEW SURVEY button and in the dialog box set the survey for 0 eV to 3199 eV at 10 or 20 ms. Then click ACQUIRE.

5. The voltage on the multimeter should go linearly from 0 V (for 0 eV) to about 9.37 V (for 3199 eV) as the scan progresses.

6. When the scan finishes, close AugerScan, turn off 147 and disconnect 147-J6.

24 Bit Digital I/O

Note: This test does not work on a Windows 98 computer. It has been tested and found to work with computers running Windows XP, it will probably also work with computers running Windows 2000.

1. Connect the 25 pin D-sub I/O port tester to P1.

2. Turn on the 147.

3. In the SYSTEM menu select DIAGNOSTICS.

4. In the DIAGNOSTICS window find the 24 Bit Digital I/O box and click on the test button.

5. Passed will show in the Diagnostics box if there are no faults with the 24 bit I/O port.

6. Turn off the 147.

7. Move the tester to P5 and repeat steps 2-6.

Alternate 24 Bit Digital I/O

Note: Use this test if it is deemed necessary to test the 24 bit digital I/O and using a Windows 98 OS.

1. Connect the 25 pin D-sub I/O port tester to P1.

2. Turn on the 147 and open Auger Scan.

3. In the SYSTEM menu select DIAGNOSTICS

4. Find the box labeled RBD 147.

5. Using the RBD 147 test will require multiple address and data entries. For write steps enter the address and data and click on write. For read steps enter the address and click read, verify that the data displayed matches the table.





























































RBD 147

RBD 147 interface unit and PCI card

Heat exchanger preventive maintenance

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The 16-020 and 16-050 heat exchangers that are used with many Physical Electronics X-ray sources require a minimal amount of preventive maintenance to ensure that they provide sufficient cooling power.

Typically, the only maintenance that is performed is that the water filter and deionizer cartridge are replaced when the leakage current starts to creep up above 3-to-5mA. The deionizer cartridge helps to maintain the high resistivity of the distilled water that is circulated out to the x-ray source and back to the water tank via the radiator heat exchanger.

As shown in the pictures at the bottom of this post, one thing that is not obvious but should be checked once a year is the space between the cooling fan (in the 16-020) or fan blade (in the 16-050) and the radiator heat exchanger. Dust can collect on the fins of the heat exchanger radiator, which in turn can significantly reduce the cooling capacity of the heat exchanger.

Heat exchanger radiator cleaning procedure:

  1. Turn off the 32-095, 32-096, or 50-096 X-ray source control. This will ensure that the pump motor or air fan does not turn on.
  2. For the 16-050, trace the power cord back to the system and unplug it.
  3. Take the top cover off and remove the 4 screws that hold the cooling fan to the heat exchanger radiator. Unplug the fan power connector and set the fan aside.
  4. For the 16-020, turn the circuit breaker in the back of the unit to OFF.
  5. Remove the side panel to get better access to the heat exchanger radiator.
  6. Use a soft brush and a vacuum cleaner to remove any built-up dust from the heat exchanger radiator fins. If the fins have been bent from lack of care when removing the filter or deionizer cartridges, straighten the fins out with a small needle-nosed pliers or flat tweezers.
  7. For the 16-050, reinstall the fan. If the fan does not spin freely or makes a grinding noise when operated, it should be replaced as a preventive measure. Here is a link to a replacement fan:

Replacement parts for the heat exchanger (such as the deionizer and filter cartridges, flow switch and pump) are available from RBD Instruments at this link: Heat exchanger deionizer parts


Flow rate adjustment procedure:

If the pump has been replaced it needs to be adjusted to the proper flow rate. For the original Procon pumps you need to remove the acorn nut to get access to the adjustment screw. The new RBD replacement pumps do not have an acorn nut. Turn the screw CW to raise the flow rate and CCW to lower the flow rate.

There are 2 possible flow rates depending on which model of X-ray source(s) you have on your system.

If you have only the standard 04-500 or 04-548 15kV dual anode X-ray source, the flow rate should be set to 1.8 GPM.

If you have just the 10-550/560/610 mono source, the flow rate should be set to .9 GPM.

If you have both the standard 04-500/548 and a 10-550/560/610 mono source then the pressure should be set to .9 GPM.

Note that the flow rate is measured with the source(s) connected. The 16-050 has a built-in flow meter which makes this adjustment easy. In the case of the 16-020 (which does not have a flow meter), you need to either

1. Insert a flow meter in series for this adjustment
2. Simply disconnect the outlet of the last source in the string and drain the water into a clean bucket for 1 minute and then measure the amount of water that you collect. It is important to use a clean bucket so that you can reuse the water.

If you have leakage current problems with your source, we have found that draining all the water out of the heat exchanger and X-ray sources and replacing the water with distilled water from a grocery store will restore the water to the correct resistance. The deionizer cartridge (if it is still in good condition) will then maintain the water quality. To test for leakage current, increase the voltage on the X-ray source high voltage supply to 15kV with no power to the filaments and see what the leakage current is. Typically the leakage current should be less than 2mA if the deionizer is working properly. If the leakage current starts to get up to 3-to-5 mA then it is time to replace the deionizer cartridge. For mono sources it is recommended that the deionizer cartridge be replaced whenever the anode is replaced even if the leakage current is fine.

Keeping the heat exchanger radiator clean will help the X-ray source to run cooler, and that will extend the anode lifetime.

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