Replacing the stage brakes on a 15-630 Specimen stage

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The 15-630 Specimen Stage is used on Perkin Elmer Physical Electronics 600 and 660 scanning Auger systems.  The 15-630 is a precision sample stage that has micrometers for the X, Y, Z, tilt and rotation axis.  The gear ratio is high in order to have precise small movements. To lock the positions into place, spring loaded .120” diameter high temperature plastic rods are employed. With use, these brakes wear down and the micrometers no longer hold the stage axis in place which in turn causes drift at higher magnifications.This blog post will show you how to replace the stage brakes.

Stage brakes for 15-630 specimen stage

The PHI (Physical Electronics) part number for the stage brakes is 605857 and as of this posting they go for $6.00 each.

To determine whether or not the stage brakes need to be replaced on a micrometer just move the micrometer a turn and see if it feels loose or slightly snug. If you can easily turn the knob back and forth then the brakes are worn out and need to be replaced. Usually only one or two micrometers need to have new stage brakes. But if you have never checked this before you may find that they are all loose and need to be replaced.

You will need to remove the knurled knob on the micrometer in order to replace the stage brakes. Before you attempt to remove the knurled knob, you will need a 183-6 Bristol wrench. You can get those from Bristol at this link –

But, since the original Bristol was sold a few years ago, the new Bristol sells the wrenches in packs of 10 minimum. So if you do not have a 183-6 Bristol wrench handy you can also use a 5/32″ Allen wrench.

Hold the knob firmly and press it towards the center of the stage as you turn the cap head screw that is inside the center of the knurled knob CCW until the screw is loose. Then, very slowly, pull the knurled knob off.

Z axis micrometer

There are some springs inside two small holes that provide pressure on the two stage brakes. If you pull the knurled knob off quickly then the stage brake and possibly the spring will go flying.

Remove knurled knob

Remove the worn stage breaks and insert the new ones into the holes.

Remove old stage brakes

Replace the knurled knob and insert the cap head screw. Hold the knurled knob firmly and press it in towards the center of the stage as you tighten the cap head screw.

Repeat this process for all of the micrometers that need new stage breaks.

Adjust indicator position

Each micrometer has an indicator that shows where the micrometer is in relation to the min and max movement for that micrometer. For example the Z is from +5mm to – 15mm.

To change the indicator, with the knurled knob off remove the shaft gear.

remove shaft gear

Next, spin the indicator gear until you have the indicator to the desired position. Then replace the center gear.

spin indicator gear

The Z axis indicator may need to be adjusted once in a while as it can slip. You can sent the actual Z position of the stage to as low as it will go and then set the indicator to -15mm. You will know that the Z indicator is off if you are having trouble loading your sample or getting the stage close enough for an elastic peak.

Ion pump elements – Flip the plates part II

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Our previous blog post explained how to flip the ion pump Tantalum and Titanium plates in order to provide fresh surface area for the sputtering process that occurs as part of the ionization / pumping process.

But what happens if you flip the plates and then years later the ion pumps are worn out again? That is, what if both sides of the plates have been sputtered?

This blog post will explain how you can modify the plates to expose a fresh surface area which functionally is the same thing as replacing the plates.

Like most things, ion pump elements have gone up in price post COVID.  A set of 8 elements (there are 8 elements in a 220 l/s ion pump) can cost $5,000 or more.    Rather than replacing the elements, you can replace just the ceramics for a lot less and flip the plates.   If the plates have already been flipped once, then both sides of the plates will have sputtered craters. 

By elongating the mounting holes in the plates by 1.5 mm the sputter area on the plates would also shift by 1.5 mm onto a fresh area that has not been sputtered, at least not sputtered very much.

The photos below show the sputtered craters and the location of where the new sputtering will occur.

Sputtered crater
Sputtered crater
Offset by 1.5mm
Offset by 1.5mm
elongated hole
Elongated hole
new sputter area
new sputter area

In this case I was lucky enough to be at a university with a machine shop and the machinist was able to punch the holes without using any oil.  If you do not have a machine shop, you could use a Dremel cutting bit to elongate the holes.

dremel cutting bit

When you reassemble the elements, you want to make sure that you offset both the Tantalum and the Titanium plates in the same direction.  You will be able to tell that the Tantalum plate is offset by the 1.5mm gap with respect to the stainless-steel backing plate.  Then make sure that the Titanium plate lines up with the location of the Tantalum plate.  You can confirm that the Titanium plate is offset correctly by looking at the distance on the mounting tabs on the back of the Titanium plate.

Titanium plate offset
Titanium plate offset

After performing this procedure on the plates shown in this blog post the ion pump elements performed as well as new elements.  The increase in pumping capacity was noticeable.

If you suspect that your ion pumps may need to be inspected (slow pumping, arcing, or shorted) I recommend that you buy the ion pump ceramics before you vent so that you have them on hand if needed.  RBD Instruments provides ion pump ceramics.  Contact us for more information.

Scientific Glassblowing Resources

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Glassblowing has been around for thousands of years, and we see examples of it every day. From neon signs to Murano glass to Chihuly glass exhibits. Less well known but very important to science is the art and craft of scientific glassblowing which is the process of creating glass apparatus used in research and production.

Over the years I have had the good luck to be working at universities on one or another type of vacuum chamber related instrument where some glass to metal seal was damaged but was able to be repaired by the resident glass blower.  More recently it seems that many of the glassblowers at universities are retiring and not being replaced. So, to an extent, scientific glass blowing is becoming a nearly lost art as this interesting article on the History of Glassblowing explains.

But all is not lost as there are still scientific glass blowers who are handing down their glassblowing expertise to those who will carry on the tradition.

Also, there are some schools which offer glassblowing courses such as Salem Community College.

Listed below are some companies that provide custom scientific glass blowing services. These companies can also repair broken glass to metal seals.

Nunn Better Glass

Precision Glass Blowing

Finally, The American Glassblowers Society has a Find a Glassblower link that lists glass blowers from different parts of the USA.