660 System up to air procedure

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This procedure will allow you to safely bring the 660 scanning auger system up to air for maintenance.


  1. Shut down AugerMap and turn off the 20-610 electron gun control (filament down slowly) Also turn off the 20-622 gun control.
  2. Turn off the card rack power
  3. If V4 is open, close it by pressing the Diff Pump Ion Gun button on the AVC remote.
  4. Pump the intro.
  5. Turn off the DIGIII ion gauge.
  6. Turn off the Ion pump control and Boostivac control.
  7. Allow the system to cool for at least 30 minutes. (Or just a few minutes if the electron gun was not on.)
  8. Make sure that the turbo pump is on. If you have more than one turbo pump, they both need to be on.
  9. With the turbo pump on and the intro still being pumped, depress the Backfill Chamber button on the Auto Valve control located behind the vacuum console.
  10. You will hear a hissing sound as air is back-filled into the chamber.
  11. Slightly loosen the intro hatch cover so that when the system is pressurized it will open.
  12. Once the system is vented, turn OFF the turbo pump(s).



660 System Pump Down procedure


This procedure will allow you to safely pump down the system after being up to air for maintenance.


  1. Make sure that all flanges are secured (use new copper gaskets whenever removing and replacing optics on the vacuum chamber).
  2. With the turbo pump(s) off, depress the Rough Chamber button on the Auto Valve control located behind the vacuum console.
  3. Make sure that the intro hatch is closed.
  4. Turn on the turbo pump(s) by depressing the pumping unit button. You will hear the V2 valve close and the V3 and V4 valves open and the turbo(s) will begin to pump the system out.
  5. After about 20 minutes you should have 5 bars on the Auto Valve control remote. Once you have 5 bars, cycle each of the 4 titanium sublimation filaments for about 2 minutes each at 50 amps on the Boostivac control.
  6. Cycle each filament 2 times, with a few minutes of cool down time between filaments.
  7. After all 4 filaments have been out-gassed, make sure that you still have 5 bars on the Auto valve control remote and then turn on the DIGIII by turning the power switch to UHV and depressing the I/T 3 button.
  8. The DIGIII should indicate in the low 10-3 to mid 10-4 range. Allow the turbo to pump until the system pressure is in the low 10-4 to high 10-5 range, about 30 additional minutes.
  9. Cycle the #1 titanium sublimation filament for about 2 minutes at 50 amps. (Note: If a TSP filament can no longer get at least 45 amps, use the next filament).
  10. When the vacuum is in the low 10-5 range, start the ion pump control by turning the Mode switch to Start. Monitor the 10KV scale. The voltage should be increasing (maximum is about 5.5 kV), and the DIGIII should indicate that the vacuum is dropping into the 10-6 range.  (Note that the meter on the Boostivac does not always read, if not then just make sure that you are in the 10-6 range and dropping on the ion gauge).
  11. Once the DIGIII indicates the high 10-6 range, close the V1 valve by depressing the Rough Chamber button on the Auto Valve control located behind the vacuum console one more time. You will hear the V1, V3 and V4 valves close.
  12. On the Auto valve control remote, depress the Diff Pump Ion Gun button to differentially pump the ion gun.
  13. The system vacuum will continue to improve over the next few hours. Cycle the #1 titanium sublimation filament every 30 to 45 minutes to help the ion pumps pull the vacuum down.
  14. Once the base pressure is in the low 10-7 to mid 10-8 range, the system can be baked out to obtain the best possible base pressure.




11-155 power supply test

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This 11-155 Voltage Testing PDF shows the test points to measure the voltages in the 11-155 power supply which is used on the older PHI 595 and 600 scanning auger systems.


 Slide the 11-155 power supply  out so that the front of the unit is resting on the floor, and the back of the unit is still in the rack. Remove the top cover.

Turn on the RBD110 main power and measure the voltages as shown in the above drawing. The 5 volt supply usually is between 5 and 5.4 volts DC. The plus and minis 20 volts supplies are usually between 19.5 and 20.5 volts DC. All supplies should have less than 10 mV AC ripple.

If you have a bad 20V or 5V power supply, RBD Instruments has replacement units in stock.

Bonus – here are the 11-155 Scanning System Power Supply Schematics

9103 Actuel Beta: Data Cursor and Auto-save

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UPDATE: A new Actuel Beta featuring a data cursor and auto-save is now available.

Actuel, RBD’s Windows application for controlling the 9103 USB Picoammeter, has currently been updated with some great new features. While the official release is a few weeks away, the beta release contains some new features in addition to the previously previewed micro-window display.

Auto-Save while recording:

In response to customer requests, we’ve added a feature to automatically save data while recording. The auto-save feature comes in handy when leaving the 9103 unattended for long periods. While rare, brownouts, etc., can cause a temporary communication failure between the 9103 and PC, and USB failures can sometimes lock-up or crash a system. Auto-save ensures that data is stored to a text file every 5 minutes, and again when recording is stopped (for completeness).

Auto-save always works automatically when multiple 9103 picoammeters are synced together. Simply select the option for all instances of Actuel, then select the file name (and keep the Data window open for each instance you want to record/save from). The data from each 9103 will be appended to the file sequentially, separated by the device identifier.

9103 Actuel Auto-save Feature

Data Cursor:

Sometimes it’s handy to see the exact data at a particular point in time during or after data acquisition. While high sampling rates make it difficult to mouse-over every data point in large data sets, the data cursor can help track current vs. time more easily without the need to export data as text. By simply hovering over the graph, a vertical line appears, while current and time is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the graph window.


As always, Actuel is free for all owners of a 9103 Picoammeter. Meanwhile, you can download the most recent version of Actuel here:

Download Actuel for the 9103 USB Picoammeter

More Information on the 9103 USB Picoammeter